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Help with Preparing for Accreditation

The actual preparation for accreditation is important for more

than simply getting through a survey and obtaining the right

to place a logo on the web site and literature. 

In any hospital, clinic or other healthcare provider organisation,

quality, safety and fitness for purpose should be built in from

the roots upwards


Indeed, hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers gain a

great deal from embarking on and negotiating the journey to

accreditation, as do the patients they treat now and are 

intending to in the future.

QHA Trent do not believe that hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers should be left adrift without solid guidance from the outset being a part of the basic package. 

As part of QHA Trent’s standard offer, a pre-survey undertaken by experts is always offered as part of the package.  This approach is unique among international accreditation schemes, and is extremely good value for money.


The pre-survey helps an organisation to assess how ready it is for accreditation, and assists them with putting in place all the necessary elements essential to ensure a successful outcome. 

Some healthcare providers may wish to commission additional help with getting started on and successfully negotiating the road to accreditation. 


QHA Trent can readily provide such help. 

Building on the pre-survey experience and the baseline assessment that always forms part of the QHA Trent process, expert advisors operating on behalf of and working with QHA Trent will provide help with understanding how best to work with the QHA Trent standards and put in place appropriate clinical and managerial governance, including how to develop policies and procedures and how to set up the appropriate programmes for clinical audit, ethics,  education and training, complaint handling,  whistleblowing, infection prevention  and control etc.

QHA Trent can also provide mock surveys to provide further insights to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare provider organisation's as to their state of readiness for undergoing surveying.

QHA Trent operates to a value for money ethos, and sensible organisation will always look at value for money and the genuineness of any promised return on investment.  This is something that should certainly apply to independent accreditation, and QHA Trent works hard to ensure that all costs are kept as reasonable as possible. 


The QHA Trent team can be contacted through our Contact page.  Please do so.

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